Jaudat Rahmani
is a self-taught international visual artist/illustrator/muralist, based in Chicago who started this journey with the passion of creating a platform where she can use her feminine voice & talent to give back to her community. Jaudat Rahmani was born and raised in Pakistan. Jaudat served the real estate industry in Toronto for several years. It was after relocating to Chicago, shortly after which the pandemic hit, she decided to pursue the passion of creating and story telling through her God gifted talent. Jaudat has not had any formal education in the field of Art but she always had the creative bones.
Jaudat’s most recent work is being exhibited at Biennale 24’ in Venice, Italy. Her work is a fusion of contemporary and pop art. She also creates abstract designs using empowering and uplifting words from the beautiful Arabic script. Jaudat also specializes in medium-large scale murals and has worked with a diverse clientele across the US. .
Jaudat is a walking wanderer who loves to travel, adapt to new places and cultures, which makes those factors her biggest inspiration for painting. She represents her love for different people and their cultures through vibrant colors in portraits. She uses her art to promote optimistic messages specially ones related to women's sense of self-worth, their capability to make their own choices, and their right to bring forward social change for themselves and others.
Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world, the disarray.
I choose to see the beauty. To believe there is an order to our days. A purpose.
A portion of everything you purchase from this website goes to charity.
Part of why this journey began was to help create change in the lives of others around us. Jaudat’s goal is to create a successful movement with her Art, which will provide monetary relief to families in other continents.